Our Social Responsibility for a Sustainable Society.
Sustainable Supply Chain
To fulfill our social responsibility in the tourism supply chain, we seek to embed sustainability in our suppliers as well. For this purpose, we established the Code of Conduct for our suppliers and assess their sustainability to support improvement actions.

Supply Chain Sustainability Policy
We have established the Code of Conduct that reflects key pillars to help our suppliers understand and implement sustainability in their business operations.
Transparency and anti-corruption, conflict of interest, fair trade practices, and information security
Environmental management of suppliers
Labor Rights
Non-discrimination, standard working hours, respect and dignity, anti-child labor
Safety and Health
Safety and health management, emergency response
Management System
Risk assessment, training and communication
Supply Chain Sustainability Assessment
We conduct annual sustainability assessments for major suppliers and reflect the results in our overall supplier assessment. We request improvements where risks are found and verify the remediation measures if necessary.
Supply Chain Framework
Hanatour’s ESG Committee conducts discussions on supply chain concerns and makes appropriate decisions. Our framework ensures that resolutions and insights are delivered to the responsible parties for implementation.
- Operational Governance
- Supply Chain Flow
- Enrollment Screening for: - Service competitiveness - Financial strength - Industry reputation - Sustainability awareness - Transparency in management - Other issues, etc.
- Assessment Assessment for: - Service competitiveness - Customer satisfaction - Compliance with the operating guidelines - VOC handling - Financial strength - ESG risk management
- Management Management for: - Warnings to poorly performing suppliers - Remediations - Inspections - Support policies - Penalty system - Suspension in case of major issues
- Supply Chain Assessment
- Step 1. Periodic Assessment VOC assessment HCSI ESG issues
- Step 2. Self-improvement Request suppliers to remediate issues voluntarily Request suppliers to demonstrate remediation results
- Step 3. Comprehensive Assessment Accumulate periodic assessments Derive a summative assessment
- Step 4. Follow-up Reward excelling suppliers Warn poorly performing suppliers Provide support for improvement (training)
Supply Chain Management System
We conduct risk assessments and various activities to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of the supply chain.
- Risk Assessments for the Supply Chain
We define risks as poor quality and deficiencies in the overall service, such as negative changes in customer service metrics and lack of safety services. We select and monitor risk factors using data collected through post-trip customer surveys and communicate the findings to suppliers to implement remedies if necessary.
- Actions for Supply Chain
Supply Chain Support Programs
The competitiveness of our supply chain is a key element of Hanatour’s tourism services. We provide various support programs to ensure competitiveness and risk management, striving to foster win-win relationships.
- Regular Meetings
We hold meetings with our global suppliers to exchange views and gather feedback. Their suggestions and proposals are carefully considered and discussed, and then actively integrated into our business plans and service improvements.
- Training Programs
Hanatour has established the Cyber Training Center to provide training programs and strengthen the competitiveness of our suppliers. We deliver necessary insights such as core values and critical issues to nurture our suppliers’ capacities.
- Specialized Programs
We run intensive training programs to ensure high quality service and customer safety by enhancing the strengths of our suppliers. We also share with suppliers know-how on the latest tourism trends and travel issues in Korea to increase customer satisfaction and create better travel experiences.
- Periodic Assessments
Our annual supplier assessments are designed to gain full visibility of the strengths of our suppliers, find new potential suppliers, and offer more opportunities to those with excellent evaluations. Based on customer feedback, we identify and communicate deficiencies and provide support for improvement and remediation.