
In the past, the standard for selecting a tour was to select a region but now the importance is shifting to what we are going to do. A tour with opportunity to help someone and learn something while taking relaxing fun traveling is becoming important and this is a volunteer travel, ‘Voluntour(Voluntour). Voluntour is a product designed to perform volunteer activities and enjoy travelling at the same time by participating in volunteer activities while travelling. The product conveys hopes to tourist attractions through unique and meaningful share travel integrating volunteer activities and experiencing local culture.

The product ‘Miracle of one dollar’ in Cambodia conducted along with non-profit organization the Dail Community is a program for both volunteer activities and travel by visiting children in poverty and preparing meals for children while travelling through Cambodian Siem Reap Dail Community. HanaTour donates 1 dollar per 1 customer through Voluntour products and supported bread machines, lunch moneys for local residents in poverty, and supported in building ship yards and ships for poor villages along with the Cambodian Dail Community, KOICA for increasing incomes for local residents and assisting children in commuting to schools for a poor village (Siem Reap, Cambodia).

location cleansing mind, a country flowing with the scent of slowness, the last Garden of Eden in Indochina, Voluntour from 'Laos'.
Laos is the one of the poorest country specified by the UN and entrance rate for elementary school is 62%, 35% for middle school and the regular school program did not include arts and physical exercises. Customers are performing volunteer activities for students by visiting local elementary school where supports from the Laos government do not reach them.

We supported (2011) construction of a community center (local welfare center) at Songinokhairkhan, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia through the national aid development NGO Good Neighbors by putting aside a portion of profits. Customers who visited in time for the opening presented cultural programs to children from low income families in Ulaanbaatar including mural painting, magic balloons, sports day. Currently the community center provides various education and child caring programs for residents with low income and socially neglected.